scientific personnel, some of whom are already in the Forward Area,
may be provided adequate services and support for their projects.


Instructions and Information for Personnel of TG 132.1
Traveling to Enivetok Atoll


Revised instructions have been issued for distribution

to personnel of TG 132.1 who are traveling to the Forward Area.


copy of these instructions is attached as Appendix A to this install~

Information is given concerning identification cards, immuni-

zations, contraband articles, personal and hold baggage, mailing
addresses, emergencies, living expenses, check cashing facilities,

recommended clothing and equipment, leundry service, recreational
facilities, storage facilities at Honolulu, and military records and

allied papers.

<A final check list and set of instructions will accompany

the orders issued for travel.

Travel Outside Continental Limits of the United States
by Military Reserve Personnel and Registrants under the
Selective Service System
Written permission to travel outside the continental limits

of the United States must be obtained prior to departure by all military
reserve personnel not on active duty and all persons registered under
the Universal Military Training and Service Act.

The procedure for

obtaining such permission from the various branches of service and
selective service boards has been disseminated to personnel concerned

.in TG 132.1.

Forsecurity reasons personnel of TG 132.1 were informed

to give only the following information when requesting permits for trips



to the Forward Aree:

Select target paragraph3