
with the proper staff section or task unit commander.


and planning information concerning the overseas or operational phases
of this task group are coordinated with participating agencies.

Several military personnel reported for duty with this head-

quarters during

this report period.

CDR Edward S. Eunson, USN,

and LCDR James B. Johnson, Jr., USN, have been assigned to the J=3
Staff Section.

LCDR Johnson is the task group Communications Officer.

Lt. Col. John W. Lipp, USA, has been assigned as J-}, Military Executive.

Major Chester D. Steele, USA, also assigned to the J~} Staff Section,
was appointed as TG 132.1 Liaison Officer at Oakland, California.
Captain F. J. Munoz, USA,who was previously the Liaison Officer at

Oakland was brought to Los Alamos.

Captain John J. Onderko, USA, and

LTJG Paul R. Powell, USN, have arrived at Los Alamos but are awaiting

"Q"-clearance before they can be fully utilized by this task group.

Administrative Planning for the Overseas Phase


Phasing Overseas
Although no firm phasing plan for units of this task

group can be made at the present time, it is presently planned that
movement overseas will be in three general phases.

The forward echelon

of this task group consisting of representatives of J-1, J-2, J-3, J=4,
and TU 10 plan to arrive at the Forward Area by early August.


second group consisting of various key personnel of TG 132.1 Head-~

quarters will arrive in the Forward Area by 15 September. ‘he third
general group consisting of staff, task unit, and project personnel

will in general, move to the Forward Area during August and September
with some waiting until October.

The early phasing is planned so that



Select target paragraph3