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1 May 1952 to 30 June 1952


FPirming of Task Group Organization

No major changes in the general organization of Task Group

132.1 occurred during the period 1 May 1952 to 30 dune 1952.

It is ~

considered that the over-all organizational pattern of this task group
is firm except for the probable addition of an advisory panel on the
Task Group Commander's Staff.

It is interesting to note that since

activation and original planning for the scientific task group organization structure there have been no major changes.

In fact there have

been no personnel changes in the various staff positions and task unit
commanders since the organization chart was printed on 29 February 1952.

There have of course been some changes in the various scientific projects to be conducted.

Some of these changes have been based on ex-

perience gained during the Tumbler-Snapper Operation; other planned
projects have proven to be infeasible within financial,logistic, and
time limits.


The administration and “direction" of the various elements of
this task group are considered to be adequate.

Proper channels for

technical, operational, administrative, security, and logistic assistance
have been set up and are being followed.

Due to the widely diversified

nature of the participating agencies composing this task group, i.e.

governmental, industrial, educational, and military, and due to the

widely separated geographical locations of these elements much of the
routine administrative and logistic support is handled by each agency.

However, various problems aris

of these fields are coordinated



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