it was found in fair condition.

Housing Planning at Kwajalein and Aboard Ship

In addition to planning for adequate housing on Eniwetok
Atoll some estimates have been made concerning requirements at Kwajalein
and aboard ship.

aboard ship.

Space will of course be very critical on Kwajalein and

As of the end of June, the best estimate of housing require-

ments for TG 132.1 on Kwajalein was for approximately 140 project personnel.

Mr, Armand W. Kelly inspected the facilities for housing TG 132.1
personnel aboard the USS Curtiss and USS Estes on 13 June 1952.

At this

time approximately 12 officer grade personnel of TG 132.1 were planning
on being aboard the Curtiss during the outbound trip.
lem of obtaining more space if required.

There is no prob-

While the Curtiss is anchored

in the lagoon during the period from arrival to about M-4, TG 132.1 may

occupy up to 105 spaces in cabins on the Curtiss.

It is estimated that

during this phase 1G 132.1 will probably have 30 persons on board.

During the evacuation the same 105 spaces will be available but approximately 17 spaces will be used by VIPs.

TG 132.1 will require approximate-

ly 83 spaces which could be increased to 88 if necessary during evacua~
The billeting space on the USS Estes available to the Joint Task
Force and 1G 132.1 included 91 permanent bunks in officers quarter

This number could possibly be increased by 150 by using temporary upper

bunks and an additional 60 if folding cots were to be used in staterooms.
Allocation of space between JIF 132 and TG 132.1 has not been determined.


Select target paragraph3