the purpose of discussing Ivy evacuation planning in so far as
such plans aredependent on effects predictions of blast, thermal,
water waves, and radiological conditions.


Among those present at

the conference were Maj. Gen. Clarkson and a number of representatives of JTF-132 , CDR Baird of TG 132.3, Dr.Roger Revelle from
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Mr. D. L. Narver, Sr., and

other representatives of Holmes and Narver, ur. Paul Spain of the

AEC, Iniwetok Field Office, Mr. RogerWarner of Cambridge Corporation, Col, James W. Thomson and other representatives of TG 132.4,
Dr. EverettCox of Sandia Corporation, as well as a number of representatives of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and TG 132.1.
As a result of tnis conference important policy decisions regarding
evacuation planning were reached.

Ce was concluded that structural ddiiage on

Parry and Eniwetok Islands should be very minor.

Such preceution-

ary measures as are reasonably easy to take - labor-wise, time-



Select target paragraph3