wise ,

and economy-wise should be taken.
Regerding thermal precautionary measures it was con~

cluded that none would be required on Parry and Eniwetok.


was felt that the thermal effects would not damage motor vehicle tires nor have any effect on vapors coming out of gasoline

storage tanks.

Predicted water waves for various islands follow:
Engebi, 100 ft; Rojoa, 50 ft; Runit, 30 ft; Japtan, 17 ft;
Parry, 17 ft; and Sniwetok, 16 ft.

Breakers willbe twice size

but not dangerous at Eniwetok, Parry, or Japtan.

The amount of

yield above 5 megatons has no effect since the size of the wave

is limited by the deoth of the lagoon.
the size falls off rapidly.

After three or four waves

It was not expected that Imiwetok,

Parry, or Japtan will be covered by wash.

A recommended pre-

caution wes that small boats be hauled up on a 9-ft-high beach.

A more practical solution presented was that of anchoring the
craft in deep water not less than 50 ft.
The maximum expected fall out on Eniwetok and Parry with
the worst probable wind condition is delayed airborne contamina-

tion that could raise the level of the island to 4r/hr after 10

The Rad-Safe limits of exposure is 0.3r/week on a life-time -


Tne total allowable one-time dosage for Ivy is 3r measured

gamma only with special provision for pilots of sampling aircraft


Select target paragraph3