The King X-ray Shot is a rehearsal for King Shot and

will be an airdropped high-explosive bond
Gi: KX will be a full-scale rehearsal, as far as practicable, for all instrumentation.

This rehearsal will require

personnel evacuation of all islands north of Parry.

There will

be no evacuation to ships for this rehearsal.
Personnel not essential to the accomplishment of the
final King Shot phase will be returned to the ZI.

Equipment to

be left ashore and island facilities will be prepared for the

expected blast and thermal effects.

Due to the special electronic

system for providing timing signals for operation of certain
diagnostic measurement equipment, it is necessary that a limited
number of personnel remain ashore on Eniwetok Island.

All other

personnel will be evacuated from the Atoll,
In general recovery operations will be similar to recovery operations for Mike Shot but probably can be effected with-

in shorter intervals of time.

Sample return will be similar to

that outlined for Mike Shot.

Re-entry for final data collection,

roli-up,. and continued island maintenance by supporting forces of

the AEC and the Services will be effected as soon as possible
after King Shot.



Evacuation Conference ‘>
On 10 June 1952 a conference was held at Los Alamos for


Repart of Evacuation Plans Conference, J - 12372
dated 24 June 1952.


Select target paragraph3