The jet aircraft radiochemistry samples collected at about

H#2 hours and landed at kwajalein at about H‘4 hours will be
packed for shipment and returned aboard sample return aircraft
departing Kwajalein at about H/6 hours. _ It is not expected that
the early samples recovered from Eniwetok Atoll will be returned
to Kwajalein in time to be shipped with the radiochemistry
It is hoped that Parry Island will be reactivated to a

limited degree afte: Mike Shot ani the tesk group will move
ashore for messing and billeting.

It is reasonable to assume

that with favorable weather conditions debarkation from ships to

Parry and Eniwetok Islands can be accomplished by Mike plus
seven days.

Only those personnel needed for continued recovery

operations, for King Shot instrumentation, and for the necessary
construction maintenance, and housekeeping functions of Holmes

and Narver will be returned ashore for living if such a condition

It is expected that all other personnel will be returned

to the ZI.

The King Shot instrumentation will be ready for final
installation and calibration prior to Mike Shot.

The length of

time after Mike Shot for final installation and calibration will
be dependent upon the damage to wiring, the initial preparation of

instrument stations , and upon the Rad~Safe conditions which affect general re-entry for this work.



Select target paragraph3