one of which can stop the firing operation and some of which are
temporary or delay~type systems, such as the Transmissometer
which will stop the operation for rain but which will permit it
to proceed after passage of the rain.

will be "lockouts".

Other "go-no go" systems

The operation of these interlocks indicate

more serious trouble and the operation must be delayed.

A delay

greater than 24 hours automatically means a 4-day delay because
of the cryogenics problem.
The success of several experiments is dependent upon the
early recovery of records or samples.

It is expected that every

effort within the nad~Safe limitations will be made to make these
specific recoveries within the first 6 hours after shot time.
Priorities will be established by the Scientific Deputy, JTF 132

in coordination with the Commander, TG 132.1 based on the value
of the respective scientific information involved.

After this

early recovery no additional recovery will be permitted until
M‘l day, dependent upon Rad-Safe conditions.

The early recovery

operations will be helicopter only, with all recovery operations
based from the Rendova.

No recovery will be permitted during the

hours of darkness.
Those samples recovered from Eniwetok Atoll requiring rusk
delivery to laboratories in the ZI will be flowin aircraft from the
flight deck of the Rendova to Kwajalein and there transferred to
“sample return" aircraft staged from Kwajalein to the ZI via Hickam.


Select target paragraph3