
Party completes the Parry Island check out.

From 0530 to 0630

a DD boat will pick up the Firing Party and rendezvous with
The Firing Party will then transfer to the

the Estes by 0800.

The basic firing mechanism for detonating the Mike
device is a clock-activated system located on Elugelab.


ing on the results ofsextensive tests to be made prior to 1
October, the timing and firing sequence may be started by remote r-f control.

The purpose of the tests is to insure that

the remote system will be as safe as is humanly possible to

make it.

As an alternate to the remote starting, a straight

clock-timed start is contemplated, i.e., with no r-f start control.

<A safety switch in series with the arming and firing cable

may be located on Parry Isiand in order to provide an additional
sefety feature for the Firing Party. Two television channels be-

tween Elugelab and the USS Estes will present pictures of the
cryogenics monitoring systems and the timing, power on, arming

and firing circuits.

Within these two channels sufficient cross

channel information will be presented to provide a back-up should
one channel go out or become unintelligible.

In addition, a sep-

arate radio channel is provided such that the firing system can
be stopped at any moment up to zero time.

There are also several


"go=no go" interlock systems built into the firing circuit, any

Select target paragraph3