Fn Reee aainemecee.

Critical equipment will be evacuated between M = 4 and

Preparations of facilities and equipment to be left ashore

including the evacuation of certain equipment from the northern
islands to Parry or Eniwetok will be made.

Evacuation of major

scientific equipment including dewars, telemetering trailers , and
photo trailers will occur.
previously announced ships.

The personnel will be evacuated to
It is expected that evacuation of dil

except the Firing Party will be complete by sundown of M - 1 day.
It is expected that the TG 132.1 Firing Party Commander
will assume complete operational control including control of

ground security detachments of northern islands with the Command
Post established on the shot island by 1200 of M~ 2 day.


Parry Island Control Station check out is planned for 0900 on M- 1


At 1330 the Mike device assembly is expected to be complete

and cryogenic monitoring will continue on the shot island. At 1630

the cryogenics plant will be secured.

At 1700 a destroyer is plan-

ned for location off Elugelab for evacuation and emergencies of the

Firing Party.

Between 2200 and 2400 television and electronic

check outs will be conducted with the USS Estes on final station,
From 0000 to 0330 the Firing Party will complete the fimal Mike

check list.

From 9330 to 0430 the Firing Party will evacuate the

shot island and proceed to Parry via destroyer.

From 0430 to 0530

craft from the destroyer will proceed from Parry to the freight


pier at Rniwetok to evacuate the Loran detachment while the Firing




Select target paragraph3