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initial calibration of instrumentation should be completed with

maximum concentration on completion of critical diagnostic

The greatest number of personnel possible,

consistent with completion of the mission, will be returned to

the ZI.

The rehearsal day for Mike Shot (MX-day) will be an-

nounced on or about 1 October 1952.

The Mike Shot phase may be considered as from 15 Octo
ber to 5 November 1952.

The final placement of instrumenta-

tion and its calibration will be accomplished.

The MX date

determination for cryogenics, electronics, and Firing Party are
contingent upon the decision to be made on or about 1 October.
The final test preparation, the operation of critical base facilities, and instrumentation do not permit a full-scale evacuation


However an evacuation exercise will be conducted sim-

lating actual evacuation procedure with task unit and project
group representatives.

Appropriate signs and placards will be

prepared to use aboard each ship, small craft, and the beach;
assembly areas will be designated, guileMls will be briefed, and
small craft will be assigned.

Again remaining personnel will be

screened to return to the ZI all those not essential to the acconplishment of the final Mike phase.

Certain personnel whose pre-

sence in the Forward Area will not be required if device operations
proceed smoothly, but who may be required if unpredicted difficul-

ties arise, will be evacuated to Hawaii on an "on call status",

~ 4h -


Select target paragraph3