see ee nel at Ree nt ee almaeeee

of 1952 with the first shot planned for 1 November 1952.


first device, Mike Shot, is a test of a thermonuclear nature;
the second shot known as King Shot

ike Shot

will be detonated from a platform on Elugelab Island of the niwetok Atoll,. while King Shot will be an air burst dropped from
an aircraft over the northern end of Runit Island.
During the pre~shot phase from 1 September to 15 October 1952 it is expected that the bulk of the construction will
be completed.

Construction personnel will be phased out as

soon as possible in order to reduce crowed conditions during

the shot phase.

During this period the task units of TG 132.1

will be displaced to the Forward Area.

Other necessary activi-~

ties are the shipment and arrival in the Forward Area of the
Mike components and the basic assembly of Mike completed FR

Tim The cryogenic transport and plant facilities should be
completely in place and fully operative.

The positioning and

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Select target paragraph3