A problem as yet unsolved is the determination of the
location of the ships during the survey.

A list is being

made of markers of all types which are expected to survive
the shots.

These, however, will not cover all of the area,

especially the traverses out to sea.

Inquiry will be made

of the possibility of determining location by radar , per~
haps with the air search radar on Eniwetok if its range is
sufficient for a surface vessel.



Upon completion of Operation Tumbler~Snapper in
Nevada full attention has been focused on the forthcoming
overseas tests, Operations Ivy and Castle.

An operational

concept for Ivy has been formulated by the scientific task

group and disseminated for further operational planning by
other participating agencies.

Some planning for Operation

Castle, tentatively scheduled for September-October 1953,
has been accomplished.

This has been of a limited nature

due to the immediacy of Operation Ivy.

Operational Concept - Ivy (4)
No changes have occurred in the basic planning as

to number of shots, dates, type of shots,,and expected yielis,
Two shots will be conducted at Eniwetok Atoll in the Fall


Concept of TG 132.1 Forward Area Operations, J - 11689,


dated 19 May 1952 (since revised),


Select target paragraph3