staff, although one Neval officer has been requested.


Not all

of tne scientific staff will be directly concerned with the Eniwetok
survey, since this work is only a portion of a major oceanographic

expedition on wnich the ships will be engaged this Fall.)
Two seismic traverses will be run across the lagoon in a southeastnortawest and a northeast-southwest direction, each traverse extending
seaward ebout 20 miles in each direction.

The receiver ship will remain

_ stationary waile tue firing ship will prozeed along the traverse lines

firing cnarges in the water at int2:veals of about 1 mile.

Firing across

tne lagoon will be continuous in to about the 20-fatnom line lagoonward
of tre islands.
Tne charges will vary from 1 1b to about 100 lb of TNT, these to be
fired at a dept.. of about 100 ft.

This will necessitate avoiding the areas

woere power signal and timing cables lie on the bottom of the lagoon.

In running tue traverses, precautions will have to be taken to avoid
sallow unmarked coral neads in the lagoon.

Tunis will probably require

t..e essistance of a Holmes and Narver boat operator well acquainted with
tre lagoon, and pernaps a nelicopter as forward lookout.

Tue ships draw

13 ft of water.
According to present information, one of the ships may not be available until about tse time of tne Mike Shot, so the survey may not be
possible until after that shot, the time perhaps extending beyond the

King Sact.

(The survey will require about 8-10 days working time.)

In this case radioactive monitoring will be required aboard the two


Select target paragraph3