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Mr. William Foster of the Hydrographic Office, assisted by
Messrs. Grimm and Griffitas of that office, is in charge of the survey.

Tne USS Cocopa (ATF, commanded by Lt. Peterson, USN) is on hand for
conducting the survey.

The Cocopa will act as mother ship to the

42-ft boat, wnich will work close in to tue ocean side of the reef
to make tne soundings.
Waile weiting for the arrival of the missing supplies the team
nas been engaged in dressing up island targets set by Holmes and Narver
survey crews for positioning tne snip.
been set.

Some additionéI targets have

Vertical profiles of tne reef will be taken at 500-yd

intervals for a distance of 5 miles eituer way from Elugelab, and at

intervals of one mile around the remainder of tne reef.
Project 11.2

Scaled Ground Snock Tests

Tne field work for tiis project was completed in March end April


Five niga-explosive shots (Composition Cp and Tetrytol)

equivalent to TNT tonnages of 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 tons were fired
at water level near tre future snot point on Elugelab.


recordings of tue ground shock were made at San Ildefonso, Engebi,
Runit, Rigili, and Eniwetok.
A preliminary report on analysis of the seismic records has been
received from the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.

The recorded

ground motions were irregulay, resembling earthquake motions, two
successive wave cycles seldom being alike.
fn analysis of the records from one station which showed similar

wave patterns for four of the five snots was made to determine relative

Select target paragraph3