of samples procured for AFOAT-1 by TG 132.4 units, (2) operation
of the small field laboratory for preliminary counting of filter papers,


operational and technical control of Project 7.6 activities at

Wake and Tarawe, and (4) coordination with TG 132.4 and Projects 1.3
and 5.45 on matters pertaining to sample collection.

Certain surface measurement requirements for Project 7.5 have

been approved by TG 132.1 and forwarded to JIF 132 with the request
taat these requirements be established witn TG 132.3.

These measure-

ments include tae neignt and initial movement, after stabilization, of
tne visible debris and/or associated ice crystal cloud and are to be
taken from two separated surface (ship) locations within a 50-mile
radius of ground zero.

These measurements would be made by the ship's

aerology section personnel using regular meteorological theodolites
and weather radar equipment.

Tue original plan for distant optical observations (Project 7.6)
during Ivy operations envisioned two island stations, Wake and Kusaie,

and two aircraft stations norts of Eniwetok at about 600 miles and
1,200 miles distant.

Tris plan nas been cnanged by eliminating the.

aircraft stations, and changing the soutaern location from Kusaie
to Tarawa.

These cuanges were proposed because (a) experimentation

during the Tumbler-Snapper operations indicated that the present

equipment when operated in an aircraft during daylight presented noise
fluctuations of an order t.at would obviate the reception of a signal

at distances, (b)

best information to date is that there will be no

. night-time shots, (c)

more complete weather information indicates that

Select target paragraph3