ee Omen ae aN Ahme Se

Tarawa would be a better choice than Kusaie, and (c)


considerations have resulted in the elimination of all other sites at
tnis range.

This proposal has been approved by JTF 132.

Mucn of the prototype equipment planned for use in this program
by tne Naval Research Laboratory was tested at Tumbler-Snapper.


speed pnotocell circuits were built at NRL and operated successfully
at Snapper.

The bolometer chopper equipments used at Greenhouse were

modified to give a smaller time constant and operated successfully at

Tne rebuilt nign-speed:spectrographs used at Greenhouse

performed satisfactorily with a resolving time of 2psec.

It is con=

sidered tnat equipment to be used in this program performed very well
at Nevada and few modifications will be required for Operation Ivy.
An additional station nas been added to Project 8.1.


station will be on the coral head for King Shot and is required in
order to increase the probability of obtaining the vital data as to
total thermal radiation from that shot.

The problem of cloud cover

is a serious one, and tne likelihood of having a wisp of cloud between
tae top of the fireball and tne detector is real.

Since ‘the value

of thermal data on tunis snot is very high, and another device may not

be fired under these conditions for a long time, the extra insurance
given by sucn a station is certainly worthwhile.
At Mike Shot it is proposed to operate on Elugelab and at a
Two 250=w, 110-w spotlights


location as close to zero as feasible.

Select target paragraph3