cee ye eaten edhe ntean neaNEe

could be made available at the Pacific Proving Ground,


Germesheusen and Grier, Inc., are prepared to take the associated

A detailed proposal from NOL on this measurement is

being awaited.



Experiments conducted during Operation Tumbler-Snapper verified
again the existence of tne electromagnetic disturbances associated
witn a nuclear detonation.

It was algo shown that these signals

are such tnat they are capable of reception at considerable

Further measurements at Operation Ivy are necessary to

determine tue characteristics of the signal and signal-receiving
equipment which may be used in longerange detection of foreign
nuclear explosions.
in planning for Operation Ivy, Program 7 will establisn a small
detacoment in the tniwetok area to provide necessary liaison with
Task Force agencies and to collect and transmit data to AFOAT=1
neadquarters in Wasnington.

In addition, the detachment will

meintain a current presentation of certain elements of the normal
Atomic Energy Detection System operations which are of interest to
JTF 132 and will prepare sucn routine and special reports of this
data as are required.
Since the principal onesite efforts are in connection with the
processing of samples collected by the aircraft operations of TG

132.4, the principal headquarters of Program 7 will be located at

This group will have a four-fold mission; (1) processing


Select target paragraph3