assist in temporary-type construction to house as many of the additional
stations as is determined to be possible after the project personnel
arrive at the site.

These reductions in stations were made necessary

because the present Holmes and Narver workload precludes their

construction in time to meet tne M-7 deadline.
During June a decision was made to drop the plan of using freefloating life floats in tne immediate sea areas surrounding the atoll.

& limited number of Dan buoys may be substituted for the floats.
Discussion concerning the availability of logistic support for tne Dan
buoys prase of tne projects still nas not been resolved. ._


During Operation Tumbler-Snapper many of the projects in this
progrem checked tneir equipment and the feasibility of the methods
planned for Operation Ivy.

Sandia Corporation checked most of their

gauges and work is continuing on efigge development.

Preliminary data on the gun experiment (Project 6.2) were good.
Project personnel nave visited Dahlgren several times for test firing
and protographing of bursts of smoke snells.

Mr. Daniel Seacord has

been delegated as Project Officer 6.2 by Mr. Francis Porzel.

Project 6.4a has been transferred to Mr. H. E. Grier of EG&G.
This project will observe water-wave motion in the lagoon near the
islands as a function of time.

cally by EG&G.

Tne motion will be recorded photographi-

Four l6-mm motion=-picture cameras with wide-angle

lenses and a running time of about 15 minutes will be used.

- 30as

They will.

Select target paragraph3