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planned that a cable recovery system using boats from the lagoon side
of tne island will be used.
Planning for the construction of the detector sample string now
includes a main line cable, 1 in. thick, beginning at 200 yd from ground

zero, then 1/2-in. cable will be spliced on the lein.; cable at
the 2,500-yd station.

Starting at 200 yd, at every 50 yd will be

placed a 2-in. pipe extending at least 5 ft above ground level or
nign-tide mark, as applicable.

At each station a i-in. pig-tail cable

made of plowsnare steel will be woven into tne main cable and extend
witn some slack up to the top of the corresponding pipe.

There will

be a loop made in tne end of tne pig tail and this loop will be sus-~

pended from tue top of the pipe with a lignt steel hook.

The pig

vail will be woven into tne main cable pointing away from zero.
Project 4.3 has been dropped from the program because of the

addition of Project 2.6.


Plans are now being made to turn over Project 5.3 to Livermore,
a group at tne Radiation Laboratory of the University of California
at Berkeley.

It has been proposed that this group finish designing

and building the equipment necessary, for these measurements and carry

out the measurements in tne field.
Project 5.4a has had the number of land sampling stations reduced

from 8 to 5, and Project 5.4b has had the number of land stations
requiring Holmes and Narver construction reduced from 33 to 12.
However, Holmes and Narver is being requested to provide labor to

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Select target paragraph3