be located on Engebi, Rojoa, Runit, and Parry.

The water in the field

of view will be marked witn floats and beach poles will be erected at
toe snore line.
During this period it was determined that Sandia would not perform

the microbarographic measurements (Project 6.6).

This project

necessitated a considerable amount of instrumentation exterior to the
U. S. Protectorate territory.

<A subsequent conference between Drs.

Graves and Ogle led to tne decision that all instrumentation would be
accomplisned within tne limits of tne above-mentioned protectorate to
preclude tne possibility of political complications.

As the evaluation

of tne information received from the limited microbarograph instrumentai.

Measurement of underwater pressures across tne lagoon (Project

6.7a) by the Bureau of Salps has been dropped completely.


of under-water pressures in deep water has been dropped by the Bureau

FQ trye ~

tion tus implied would be inconclusive, tae project was cancelled.


of Snips.

However, it is understood that the Naval Research Laboratory Ls

is interested in making tne deep water measurements if arrangements can
be made in time.

The office of Naval Researca is investigating the

letter possibility,


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Project 6.8 has been dropped on the basis of the experience eck
during the Tumbler-Snapper operation.



Work has started on the design of a final model of the beta
densitometer to be used in Project 6.9.

This design will resemble the

type that proved successful during the recent bomb tests at Nevada.
Certain radical changes are required in this new model; these changes





Select target paragraph3