and follow up was instigated by the J-4 Staff on this item.

The engine

was flown to Eniwetok in order to meet planned schedul@s of the cryo~
genics plant in the Forward Area.

Its arrival at Enivetok completed

the shipment of the equipment needed for the cryogenics plants.
There is of course, still a constant flow of requests from

Los Alamos and other continental laboratories and from the Forward
Area for many small items of equipment and supplies.

These are being

handled as expeditiously as possible with the most urgent consigned
to the Forward Area by air.

Special arrangements were made during June to air transport

45,000 1b of "mud" for the Project 11.3 drilling operation.



Status of the Logistics Program
In general the over-all logistics program of TG 132.1 is

progressing satisfactorily.

Clearances have been obtained for all

officers assigned to this activity and their services are now being
fully utilized.

Captain F. J. Munoz was brought to Los Alamos and

Major Chester D. Steele was assigned to the TG 132.1 Liaison officer
position at Oakland in an effort to more efficiently use officers

assigned to the J-4 Staff Section.
in their new positions.

Both are working out very well

Major Paul W. Stuart will leave the latter

part of July to be a representative of the logistics group in the
Forward Area.
The stockroom on Parry Island will be open for general use

by the end of July.

This stockroom has been operating on a limited

basis since early June.



Select target paragraph3