
Procurement of Personnel
As of the end of June approximately 90 per cent of the

personnel required by this task group had been procured.

Of the

134 military personnel requested on @ permanent basis for Operation
Ivy, all but 7 have reported for duty.

However of the number report-

ing for duty, 24 still require a "Q"-clearance.
A request was made to the Commander, JIF 132 for a policy

for handling draft deferment requests for civilian personnel of this
task group.

During Operation Greenhouse the Joint Task Force had

established contact with a representative of General Hershey's Staff
in the Selective Service System for the purpose of expediting requests
for draft deferment of key civilian personnel.

As & result of this

contact, services of irreplaceable personnel were preserved for the
duration of the operation,

As a result of this request a conference

vas held between representatives of JTF-132 and the National Selective
Service Headquarters.

It was agreed that the general policies and

procedures in effect during Operation Greenhouse would remain in effect.
It has been pointed out to members of this task group who are presently
classified I-A that an immediate attempt should be made by the employer
to obtain an occupational deferment.

Progress in Procurement of Scientific and Technical Equipment
The procurement of scientific and technical equipment for Ivy

is progressing fairly satisfactorily.

All of the major items of equip-

ment have been on order for some time and most of them have been delivered.

One of the last major items to be received was the first

expansion engine from the Worthington Pump Company.

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Constant check


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