=—133nevertheless wise to insist upon the necessity of success in the general activ-

ity of the Organization in promoting the settlement of disputes, strengthening
the rule of law, and remedying social md economic conditions which contribute

to international conflict.

Failing success on this broad front, no system of

specific safeguards can be expected to prevent recourse to any kind of force

available to states,
Every addition to the destructive powe: ‘of armaments increases the need for
strengthening the agencies and procedures of poaseful adjustment between nations.

Not the least of the dangers connected with the atom bomb is that the unsolved
problem of its control may lay a blight on all the activities of the United
Nations Organization and its entire prospect of consolidation and development.
The whole future of the Organization is bound up with the success or failure of
the current effort to find an international solution of the problems posed by
the most recent and most formidable achievement of science anc engineering.


result of failure would be a situation threatening the world's peace; and the
United Nations would be compelled either to cope with this situation or confess
its bankruptcy.

Coping with the situation could mcan nothing else but resuming

‘the effort to establish a control system.

This is not a case where the Organ-

ization can admit failure and turn to something clse,


Left out of account so far is the possibility that a solution might be
found outside the United Nations Organization,

If the commission established on

January 2h, 1946, fails to devise an acceptable system of control, conceivably
the four or five great powers may be able to work one out among themselves,

Putting the control in an agency independent of the United Nations might even
have the advantage, it has been suggested, of by-passing the thorny problem of
changing the voting rules in the Security Council.
Theoretically this would result in a position where the United Nations
Organization could operate preciscly as planned at San Francisco.

The entire

problem of atomic weapons would be removed from its competence, at least in the


Select target paragraph3