
-13hfirst instance,

Unless the Chartcr were amended, members could still start pro-

ceedings to avert a threat to the peace arising out of this problem,

But so

long as the control system worked efficiently, the Security Council might perhaps devote itself to preventing illegal use of other instruments of force; and
all the other organs of the United Nations could get on with their judicial,
economic, and social tasks,

In the total scheme of world security the United

Nations Organization would occupy a secondaryposition, since the focus of attention would inevitably be the machinery engaged in controlling the use of atomic

This would not be a serious objection, since the important thing is

that war should be prevented, not the name of the agencies by which this is to

be accomplished,




It woulc seem likely, however, that wi



_we’have called a secondary posi-

tion in the scheme of world security would be a position of no significance at

The primacy of the new weapons among the means of destruction will tend

to make any agency controlling them not only the focus of attention but the
operative coenter of collective security.

Means calculated to prevent their

aggressive use will be adequate to prevent any aggression.

To the same agency

must go that other major business of the Security Council and Military Staff
Committee, namcly the formulation of plans for the regulation of armaments "and

possible disarnanont "80

This is major business now primarily :_ because of the

wide demand for relicf from a wasteful financial burden, but because the pros—
pect of peace is admittedly small in a world of nations arming at discretion.
The whole business of arms regulation and reduction must be handlea together.
Seperate agencics resulating atomic and non-atomic armaments make as little
sense aS separate agencies preventing atomic and non-atomic aggression,
The conclusion suggested is that either the atomic control scheme will have
to be brought under the United Nations or the security function in general be

Articles 26 and 27 of the Charter.

Select target paragraph3