

stayed with the remainder of the party in the vicinity of the winch.
All but 100 yards of the cable was recovered with all of the samples
except two of the multiple samples, The winch and cable remained cool
(50 nr) during more than half of the operation, and then beran to cet
rapidly higher intensities until it reached 15,000 mr at six inches,
A piece of metal, supposedly a link from the tower cable was found near
the winch testing higher than 5,000 mr.

a safe distance from the operation,

This material was removed to

lLajor Cook crossed the causeway

with Dr. Ogle, approaching the zero point to a reading of 20,000 or/hr

and returned, The mission was entirely successful, all members of the
party taking proper precautions in handling the samples with gloves and
tongs, and no overexposures were obtained,

Major McDonnel’s party landed about twenty minutes behind the helicopters, beaching on the island by an LOVP that had been picked up by
the AVR, The missions at Ganma "A" and Gama "B" station were completed
satisfactorily although at Gamma "A" station the roller tracks were
wedged and the party at this station received some contamination on their
clothing while forcing an entrance. A camera placed on the causeway was


All of the personnel returned on the AVR 38, and were checked

for contamination on boarding the USS BAIROKO, Meanwhile the samples had
been flown by helicopter to the laboratories on the USS ALBEMARLE for final
analyses. The entire operation was completed earlier and more efficiently
than in test X-RAY.

Folloving the test, the USS BATROKO weighed anchor and was proceedin;

slowly to its anchorare off the test island, preceded by Sour boats
patrolling the lagoon waters ahead of the ship, Two other beats preceded
the rest of the JTF 7 fleet to their anchorage off the island to be used
for test ZEBRA. These boats were tracked and plotted by radar and the
readings of radiation intensities in the water were transmitted in code
to the Radsafe Center and to Radops on the RAIROKO, Iso-intensity lines
of water contamination in the lasoon between the anchorase and the test
islands were plotted for the information of the Task Force Radiolozical

_ Safety Officer.

The background count of radioactivity on the bridse of the USS
BATROKO began to raise noticeably immediately following the test, but the
amount was not alarming and it was decided not to changethe anchorare.
This increase in backcround was also observed at the same time on Farry
Island, and was probably a wide-spread pienomenon.
The survey of the test crater from the air was bersun by LCDR King
in a C-47, but he was forced to turn back when his plane received so
much fall-out from the cloud that the readings in the pline bean excecding the daily tolerance.

Select target paragraph3