




The Task Force has set the linit of cvor exposure at 3R
for authorized individuals and porticular jobs only.
Tals pancr constitutes an tntorpretation of the moaning sani
intent of Annex J to F.0. #1.
It must bo assumed for this
eperation that the maxinun pernissible dose of .1R per day
has no £1] effects on the huncn ofther irnodiately or in the
future. On this basis over oxpesure fs not received until
elR por day hes been exceeded.
In calculating the degree of
exposure it can then bo assumed that tho first .1R received is
nornelL ond net over exnosure.
an individual receive
es eLR per day for four diys - his over exposure is 0,
If on
the fitth day he receives 2.°R, Ais ovor oxnosure is 2.3R.
If on the sixth day ho reccivos .8R, his over oxposure for
that day {5 ,7R and should ba added to the fifth day's ovor
exposure for s total of 3R.
That being the proscrited Linit
tho individual is reported over cxposod and withdrawn Cran
radiation activity for thirty days based on a recovery factor
of ,R por day.
If, however, on tho sixth day he had roceived
ecR, his over exposure would vo .IR whieh added to the fifth

day's reading of 2.3R would bo 2.4R total over exposure,


he roceived no radiation oxposure for the next five days his
total ovor eoxpesure would drep to 1,9R on the basis of the ree
covery factor of .LR por dav,
The over exposure total would
de¢erease cach day ty .1R if no ratiation was received,

however, he reectved IR each day the total of over exposure

would remin 2.4R until the day of no exposure or less than


He will recover cach dsy .IR or the fractional difference

between eR and the anount recaived.
This over exposure total
will be kopt on a Radiation Dxposuro Record,

All individuals whe may bo exposed to radiation during the
operation of Task Feree 7 will be oxamined physically mrtor to
departure fron the continental Llinits of the United States,
Nis examination will cansist ef a completo physical examina}
tien cenpirable to the annual examination roquired of military
petsonnel and will include a chest X-ray, complete pross and
weroscepic urinalysis, and a complete blood count to ineluda
a differontial white blood count.
If a physical cxamination
conprrablo to

the above has been taken within the porfod 15

July 1947 amt L Jamuuiry 1938, it nood not be repoated excopt
for the chest X-ray, urinalysis, and complatea blood count,
Tho fact that the individual was found physically qualified
during that pertod for general service afloat or overseas must
be certificd by that individual. ail physteal exaninations
will bo ovaluated ty the Radgleclogieal Rocords Unit and a dew
cisfon rendered as to tho individual's physteal qualifieations
for work with radioactive material. All civilians or military
personnel Cound not cualiffied for duty afloat or overseas by
military stindards or for work with radioactive_matertal will
be disqualifiod, Watvers ond oxemptions to the abeve rule «tll
be nade by the Task Force Commander.
The standanis te bo fole
lowed in the evaluation of the bloal counts will bo fer the
red bloed count and hacnoglobin, these normally accepted by
the medical profession.



Select target paragraph3