WUIEX & (Cont'a)


It is antted:. tid thet tho best results frou thu stendpoint of anf.al survival ond cerly recovery will be hud
"Oh the eha:bers on rarts.
It as expeeted that the

t.cterature of Gace portly subrorged coatainurs

vill ria. but slightly «dove tat
Likowise rec. vory of the chcbera

f aho gea water,
oon rafts sheuld by

ccupurcitivecy cosy by towlug the pitt

to the stdo of the

petucr shies relousing the chaber aud hoisting the
chanber on board.



The veraet tn charge of cacn project under the cogniz.ne
of the Tesh fer weirs. nts Unit (7.6.0) will be roSpenaivla Yor the croparation wo. ropert covering the
work corrhed out under th t project.
isda sill tuelude
2. dcsertpticn of the fngtrwcnts und swaterfoly uacd,
Mothocs of rokdig, the woiurcints,

odtchicd with cn snalysia thereer.


thy results

f£1L rovnorts will be subnitted by the project offticor te
the Corser, Techiter) Necsure..cuts Unie



troasiitec! to th Sefenativie Director vin tho Couundor
Teosk Croun 7.6 oni te Test Die ctor.
Final reverts Cor cLL projeeta execpt those requiring
Jeter. ccourcwents sill & recuimnd bY tho Cansander,
TeotttenL Vessura cate Uati (7.6.0) dy 20 Juag. Thusu
WH) Deo
utter te the Selomtitio wirceetor by 30 June
for incluston in tp. oelutifie Pircetor's report which
will bBo enploted Jb duly.
For ol) erojects royuiring
coutinebss cerk on futurkh. report will be sutiitted
by 20 fuse pivin, all inferms.cd.on on tecsumcents ade
up fo th t thie.
Th. minal revert e411] bo subilttod
Ss Ba cA Thal te swre eats can De completid. A pre-e
Utudacry rowsrt vada dl be rowdir oi uvow crprivel at Endive.
tek eiving detabls of OLR cgudproent snd ceiheds of
ceaturonent Doing


th t ttoem be inehuaes

ith only oinor chines.

This eill oe

duo such «form.

.8 2 art of tho inal roport
Wo rpoyerts

will be dtstributod

until they have be oud dtted to tae Selontirie Dircetor and appreval nog Deca recedvad Pres hin.








Select target paragraph3