tak LO. a Cup, bits aa ‘ Nova 4ube } BOX No. — ;2 REPOSITORY NAbh COLLECTION 32t 408981 “ - $: . Mae (WA —22b- 73-08) tir WEEUC US re aye ESOT gy ony PACHIAAE tye SS J - FOLDER ORO "NKocsan O Nonoravle J. (dvar oover, uirector federal UUreau of Investigation - Ue 5. Uepartment of Jussice .oGhington, i. %. .OAr lie fo007ers: Sransaltted herewith are coplas of nemoranda by members of ihe .tonle saergy yvomniusion .sshington staf? concerning telephone calle on Uetober 31, luoe Cron Uley Hleir, dr., weshingten correspondent of “life aazine, ena ‘nno Hobolaz, sshinj tor corressunient of Time. (Lois otaccoved that che meworendua on the Lobuin,i, call sigtes that Hobbin, ohencd about 4:1) vein. om Uctober 62 and in the , “ * . course of the call stated: f , . . “.e unuerstend the Ii-bomb has just been sob af’. The nemerandum on the tilair call reports that 2 jsmirew gerdiu., .coertmont of «ieuse Jiveetor of fublic Tnfore- . Ne wation, caviged nu i230) 2.4, ‘¢oober tl, that ae had just had & phone conversutiea with rerdin’y in che course of which verdins#asser tod that ifs has sositive imuvledce that the ASemnie aiercy Gourdissieun aad oe cepertaont of jJefense had ax= * fom he ay be by : gos toa. sp ycy yee city roof ploded an ces.omi an che -acific torce. nours aro, ot.arlo. for your inleragption, = thermoiuclear device waa detonated at wmiwetek at 2:15 oea., onshine tan Lime, vuctober 31, LvbZ, ‘the exact time of detonation of such test device (that is, accuracy within ono minute) is secret information affeoting the national uefense. ihe fact that tne detonetion involved a thermo-~ nuclear device is “restricted data’ under tie Atomic unergy «ct, of e secret classification, The . tonle |meorpy Commission and eovertiaent of (cfLense releases Cornmarded herewith constitute the % oe SepDeuaQccta - She be Road BEST COPY AVAILABLE i ean 4 3. , of oo ifs é — = io GS A