Je itdgar Hoover

sole information on the current teats which presently ia authorized
for public dissenination. It is requested that the Federal Burenu of Investigation institute
investigation for the purpose of determining the source of the .
Time - Lifts eae and ascertaining whether a violation of
the jtoniec “ner. 1ct or federel statutes is involved.
ror your assistance in inquiring iato this matter, and possible
bearing on “he case, you are advised that a report has been reocived to the effect that, apparently through adainisatrative error
on the part of eleaents of JTF 132, » rodio awesage reflecting

che time of the detonation (but not disclosing, its thermonuclear

charactor) dea trangmitted as unelassified (in the cloar) fron
Wis Shark ot the iuiwetok teat site to CInCrat, nonolulu, and
other bepartaeat of Jefense ingstellations, for the purpose of

nlertiu:, certsla “.lr Force components performing functions of
interost to the lon, range detection progrona. This messafe was
reportodly sent by the USa Shank et 2:20 2.m. Jashington time,
Cetober o1, and was tuereafter radio-relayed by CINCEAG et 5:22

Nee iogshin-ton time, Jetober 51, as unclassified (in the clear)
to other Lepartnent of vefense installations. For your assistsncé,

it ig also neted that within tho last few months, comnentsa

have appeared iu the Alsopst colusmsa ywhich as you know are now
under Investiscation ty your ay gacy ) Lo the effect that a thermonuclear device waa to be detonated in the current ‘aiwetok tests.
Sincerely youra,

Gordon been

Memo fm Selisbury dtd, 10 0
Yemo fm Thompson dtd 10 rae
AKC, VOD release dtd g/9/oe & oii5/82 a

Qeectume wista.

pSteSa — nr Vda Ge lice A

Select target paragraph3