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This heavily-shielded station on Aomoen Island, right,
housed two different LASL experimental areas, used at
times by Herman Hoerlin, J-10 group leader, Art Cox,

J-15 group leader, and Gaelen Felt, former J-DO staff

member. Aerial photo, above, was taken in 1954,

Only the now faded sign looks the same at Camp Blandy,

Enyu Island recreation area. Photographs at left and below
were taken from approximately the same spot about 15 years



When Bikini Atoll was used as a nuclear testing site, the
installation on Eninman (Tare) island, was a busy place

today at right. Heavily overgrown, it will be no more
when cleanup teams move on to the smaller islands. This

W. E. McKenzie and Admiral Mustin look at it as it is

oratory, the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore.

as shown in the aerial photograph taken in 1954. Lt. Col.

camp area was used byscientists from LASL’s sister lab-


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