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Charles Kempter Named

Honorary AIC Member

Charles P. Kempter, a physical chemist and
crystallographer in Group N-1, has been named

an honorary member of the American Institute
of Chemists, and 26 other »,
Laboratory staff members
have been named Fellows.

Honorary membership

is awarded to less than
two per cent of the total

living Institute membership and only to those *
“who by reason of service
to the chemical profes-

short subjects
Robert A. Penneman, CMF-4 alternate group

leader, and John F. Spalding, head of H-4’s Mam-

malian Radiobiology section, were two of a panel
of 12 judges who selected winners of special
Atomic Energy Commission awards at the 20th
International Science Fair in Fort Worth, Texas.
The specia] AEC awards were presented to 10
student contestants with the most outstanding
nuclear-related science projects.
Other awards were received by two Los Alamos

High School students who entered exhibits in the

sion, or to the public; and

science fair. Chris Fullman, 16, received honorable mention from the American Society for
Metals and the American Dental Association for

plishment have attained
unusual distinction in the chemical field.” Kempter was cited for his scientific work and “as a
chemist with professional concern for his col-

able mention from the American Psychological
Association for her “Effects of RNA Transfer on
Learning and Memory in Mice.”




his “High Temperature Crystals, Their Growth

and Use.” Debra Krikorian, 18, received honor-

leagues who devised the Fellowship Nomination
Program ofthis Institute.”


Kempter and other LASL staff members re-

ceived their awards at the 13th National Fellows
Dinner in Santa Fe. Those named Fellows were

Willard H. Beattie, W-7; Karl S. Bergstresser,

CMB-1; William R. Daniels, J-11; George P.

Ford, J-l1; Walter V. Green, CMF-13; E. Arnold
Hakkila, CMB-1; John E. Hockett, CMF-13; C. |
Gordon Hoffman, N-]; Eugene C. Kerr, CMF-9;

Milton C. Krupka, CMB-3; Donald P. MacMil-

lan, N-I; Joseph B. Mann, CMF-4; John R.
Mosely, W-7; Lawrence J. Mullins, fr.. CMB-11;
Rene J. Prestwood, J-11; Raymond N. Rogers,
GMX-2; Prince E. Rouse, GMX-2; Thomas A.

Sandenaw, CMF-13; James E. Sattizahn, J-11;

Fred W. Schonfeld, CMF-5; George R. Shepherd,
H-4; H. Louise Smith, J-11; Maynard E. Smith,
CMB-1; John H. Sullivan, CMF-4; Paul Wagner,

CMF-13; and John W. Ward, CMF-5.
Edward F. Thode, a LASL consultant on the
staff of New Mexico State University, was also
elected a Fellow.
The AIC confers this honor on selected chem-

ists, Chemical engineers and scientists or engineers

with equivalent qualifications who are elected by
the Institute’s National Council.

Richard J. Kandel, a former employee of Group
W-8, has been appointed Chief of the Radiation,

Isotope and Physical Chemistry Branch of the
Atomic Energy Commission's Office of the Assis-

tant Director for Chemistry Programs, Division

of Research.
Kandel joined the AEC staff in the Office of
the Assistant Director for Chemistry Programs in
June, 1967.

Project Rulison, the second in a plannedseries

of joint government-industry experiments to in-

vestigate the use of a contained nuclear explosion

to enhance the recovery of natural gas from lowpermeability gas formations, has been rescheduled
for September.
The decision to reschedule the detonation of
the 40-kiloton underground nuclear device was
made by project participants after it was determined that necessary preparations to conduct the

nuclear explosion could not be completed by
May 22.

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