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Four from LASL
Will Participate
in AEC’S
1969 Technical

Scholarship Program

Robert Gillis

William Goodwill






Alamos Scientific Laboratory will
work toward bachelor degrees for a
full year under the auspices of the
Atomic Energy Commission’s 1969
Technical Scholarship Program.
They are Barrett Parsons, GMX-

1}; Michael Morris, H-1; William
Goodwill, GMX-4; and Robert Gil-

lis, MP-3.
Parsons, who received a one-year
scholarship under the 1968 program, will continue his studies at
the University of New Mexico in

electrical engineering. Morris, the

recipient of a half year of benefits under last year’s program, will

continue coursework in physics at
Oklahoma State University. Gillis,

who has been attending New Mexico State University since last fall,
on leave from the Laboratory without pay, will continue his studies in

mechanical engineering under the
program. Goodwill will attend
classes at the University of New
Mexico where he will continue
work in electrical engineering.
The Technical Scholarship Program 1s now in its fourth year as a

pilot project. It permits selected
emplovees of AEC contractor la-

boratories, who are within two
years of completing studies for

their bachelor degrees, to study full
time on full salary. The award in-

were selected by an AEC committee. Other participants were Argonne, Brookhaven and Oak Ridge



Radiation Laboratories at Berkeley

and Livermore, and Pacific North-

west Laboratory.

The recent scholarship winners
bring to eight the number of LASL
technicians named for the honor.
Other previous recipients are John
Pritchard, CMB-6; Robert Newell,

MP-2; Edward Leach, formerly of
P-2; Peter Olivas, GMX-8; and Wil-

cludes the cost of tuition, books and
other supplies and $400 for disloca-

liam Mathieson, GMX-3.


of last year and has returned to
MP-2 as a staff member.

tion expenses.
Each of the participating laboratories in the current program could
recommend candidates for four
man-years of education—four years
which could be divided among
candidates. On the basis of these


Leach has received the bachelor’s
degree and is now working toward
the master’s degree. He is a teaching assistant in the Chemistry Department at the University of New
Mexico. Newell graduated in June


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