covering several different Marshall Island compensatory topics, including
the ex gratia compensation of the Rongelap and Utirik people for radiation

The bill had already been approved by the House of Representatives.


the changes in wording suggested by ERDA had not been included

in the version passed.

It is understood that some changes may still be

suggested before the Senate consideration of the bill.

Annual medical checkups on Bikini and Eniwetak people
Since the Bikini and Eniwetak people were not exposed to radiation at
the time of the accident, as is true of the Rongelap and Utirik people,
medical examinations would not be justified on the basis of possible radiation


the view has been expressed that these displaced people

should be considered as a special group of Marshallese, and the fact that
they will be living on islands that have been contaminatted would warrant
annual medical checkups for psychological reasons
nothing more.

(reassurance) if for

It was noted that the Bikini people have requested by letter

that the BNL medical group visit them; also that Congressman Balos has
publicly expressed disappointment that the Eniwetak program does not
include medical examinations of the returning people.

The Chairman said

that DBER would give this subject further consideration and report on
their conclusions later.

Bioassay program — Bikini and Eniwetak



and Pu findings.

A letter to Dr.

Liverman was presented with tables of


The increase in 137 06 body burdens of the Bikini people

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Select target paragraph3