past survey, some 300 unexposed people of Utirik and Rongelap were included
in a thyroid survey.

It was pointed out that there might be perhaps a

dozen people in the next two years in this group on whom thyroid surgery
would be indicated.

It would be desirable to have these patients taken

perhaps to Tripler Army Hospital in Honolulu, using the same surgeon and
pathologist who have been involved in the program.

DBER agreed to give

this program further serious consideration.

Briefing at DOL

The DOI representative suggested that a briefing of Mr. A. Winkel
(new High Commissioner of the Trust Territory) and Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve
(new Director of Office of Territories at DOI) by some ERDA representatives
would be helpful, particularly prior to the UN meetings in New York.


of the topics to be discussed would be the problems associated with the
Congress of Micronesias PL-5~-52
Rongelap and Utirik people).

(concerning certain hospital benefits to

There is a disparity between the Congress

bill and the ERDA-TT agreement which would seem to indicate a possible
revision of the bill.

Congressman Balos has indicated that he felt that

such a revision would be required.

Ex gratia compensation bill for Rongelap and Utirik people
At the request of DOI, an updated summary of medical findings was

It was pointed out that the lists of people with findings were

continuously being added to.

Only 23 of 65 exposed Rongelap people now

living are not listed as having thyroid abnormalities.

The DOI repre-

sentative remarked that the so-called Burton bill was an omnibus bill

Select target paragraph3