(10-12 times the 1974 levels with some people near the MPC) was considered
a serious finding.

The people admitted that they had been eating the

forbidden pandanus and breadfruit which could account for the increased
body burdens.

With regard to Pu, the problems associated with getting

sufficient urine samples for analysis by “clean"' technique, as recommended
by TTIG group, was mentioned and further consideration must be given to
acquiring adequate samples.

The Bikini situation would need careful

consideration by the new standing committee to be formed as described



DOES thinks it urgent to have whole body counting done

on the returning Eniwetak people within several months.

It was agreed

that BNL should arrange to have this done, using the existing whole-body
counter trailer which would be set up at Eniwetak.
equipment would be provided by ERDA.

Cost for new electronic

The present bioassay: program (includ-

ing sick call by physicians) would continue at Bikini for the present, but
the Eniwetak bioassay program would not be connected with physicians.
The subject of bringing some Bikini people to New York for in vivo
Am counting at NYU was discussed and the opinion was expressed that this
might cause undue concem on the part of the Bikinians.

The possibility

of bringing non-Bikini people back for counting was suggested.

Decision-making responsibilities
Responsibilities for radiation assessment in the Marshall Islands
in ERDA has been divided between DOES and DBER.
data from different laboratories

DOES gathers radiological

(BNL - Terrestrial, University of

Select target paragraph3