the bag

account the validityof the claim, any prior compensation aade sa

a resule of such claim and such ocher factors as it may deen

Coste of proceedings bafore the Claims Tribunal
shall be a charge on Annual Proceeds, subject co deCermination of '
the Claims Tribunal, the laws of the Marshall Islands and distributions made under Seceions 1 chrough 6 of Article Il.of this
the Fund.


Such costs shall also include the cost of defending

This Agraement constitutes che Full settlement of all
claims, past, present and future, of the Government, citizens and
nationals of che Marshal) Ialands which are based upon, arise out |
of, or are in any way related to the Nuclear Testing Program, and
which are against the United Scates, its agents, employees,
contractore and citizens and nationals, and of all claims for
equitable or any other relief in connection wich such claims
including any of those claims which may be pending or which may
be filed in any courc or other judicial or administrative forum,
the United Scaces and its political subdivisions.

In determining any legal fesue, the Claime Tribunal way have

Teference to the laws of the
Marshall Ielands, including traditional law, to internacional law and, in the absence of domestic
or incernational law, to the Laws of the United States,

Section 1 - Exemption from United Stati

Tha Government of the Marshall Islands shall cerminace any

legal proceedings in the courts of the Marshall Islands against

the Uniced States, ite agents, employees, contractors and

the Nuclear Testing Program and shall nullify all attachments of


any judgments attained relating co such proceedings.


The suma provided for in Arciclea 1 and Il of this
Agreement, and any earninge derived therafrom, shall not be subject to
any fore of cauation by the United States or its political subdi-

Visions to che excent that those sums and any earninge derived
therefrom remain intace in an institution in che United States.
Diacribucion of those sums and any earnings derived therefrom to
individuals or other enricies shall not be a transaction caxable
by che Government of the United Scates, but, after distribution,
the earnings of such distributed funds shall noc be entitled to.

the tax exemption provided in this Section.

Section 2 - Exemption from Marshall Islands Taxation

The sums rovided for in Articles I and II
and any distri clon of those sums shall not be
. ion by the Government of the Marshall Islands,
tribution to individuals or other encities, the

_ Section 2_- Termination of Legal Proceedings

citizens and nacionals, involving claims of the Governmenc,
citizens and nationals of the Marshall Islands, arising our of

Article ¥

Tax Provisions



Subjact to Arcicle IX, and in consideration for the paysent
of che amounts set forth in this Agreement, the Covernment of the
Marshall Isiands, on behalf of itself and ite citizens and
nationals, shall indemnify and hold harmless the United States,

ite agents, employees, contractors and citizens and nationals,
from all claims set forth in Article Xofchis Agreemont, and all

actions or proceedings which may hereafter be asserted or brought
by or on behalf of che Government of the Marshall Islands, ice

aubject ro taxa-

but, after diseatnings of such

based on, arising out of or in any way related co the Nuclear
Testing Program. The amount of such indemnification shall not,

in the aggregate, exceed $150 million, and the Government of the

Marshall Islands shall use or cause the Fund, or other sums
available co it, to be used as necessary to cover or satisfy the
indemnification aec forth in this Article.
Article XIL

Section 3 - Orher Exemptions


Article XIII



The Government of che United States reaffirms its commitment
to provide funds for the resettlement of Bikini Atoll by the
people of Bikini at a time which cannot now be determined.
Saction 2 - Bikini Sunken Vessels and Cable

Pursuant to Section 234 of the Compact, any rights, title

and interest the Government of the United States may have to
sunken vessels and cable situated in the Bikini lagoon as of tha

effective date of this Agreement is transferred to the Govarnment

of the Marshall Islands without reimbursement or transfer of
Tt is understood chat unexpended ordnance and oil remains,
Within the hulle of such sunken vessels, and that salvage or an
other use of chese vessels could be hazardous.
Sy acceptance o
such right, ticle and interest, che Government of the Marshall
Telands shall hold harmless the Government of the United Srates
from loss, damage and liability associated with such vessels,
ordnance, 011 and cable, including any loss, damage and liabilicy
thac may result from salvage operations or other sotivity thac

the Government of the Marshall Islands or the people of Bikini
Cake or cause to be taken concerning such vessels or cable.


pending in the courts of the United Stetes shall be diamissed,

Resettlement of Bikini Atoll and Conveyance of Pro ert


Government of the Marshall Islands shall transfer, in accordance
with ica constitutional processes, title to such vessels and
cable co che people of Bikini,
Section 3 - EnewetakCable

All claims described in Articles X and XI of this Agreement
ehall be cerminared. No court of the United States shall have

jurisdiction to entertain such claims, and any such clains

Articles VI

— in checks.

United Scates Courts


The exemptions provided pursuant to Sections 1 and 2 of this
Article are without prejudice to any. exemptions otherwise applicable,

with the latest Kwaja- ,
lein payments in the bag.
It is almost $1.9 million



. eitizens and nationals, in any coure or other judicial forum

of chia Agreement

discributed funds shall not be entitled to the tax exemption
Provided in this Section.

Vincent Muller at the
Majuro airport Wednesday


including the courte of the Marshall Islands and che courts of

Section 3 - Governing Law

Section 1 - Resettlement



Section 1_- Full Settlement of All Clains .

- From page 6


eee ee eee

Itsin= 177 continued —


oe eee ak.

Friday, July 15, 1983

Administrative Provisions

Section 1 - Effective Dace

This Agreement shall’ come into effect simultaneously with
the Compact in accordence with Section 177 of the Compact.
Seccion 2 - Implementation
The Government of the Marshall Ielande shall cake all)
necessary steps, of a general or particular character, to ensure

the conformity of its laws, regulacions and administrative
procedures with the provisions of this
Agraemant and the iuplementation of thie Agreement in accordance with its terms.

Section 3 - Consultation

The Government of the Uniced States and the Government

of the Marshall Lelands shall consult at the request of either of
them on mecters relating cto the provisions of chis Agreament.
(>) The Government of the Marshall Lelands asy, from tine
to time, request from che Government of the United States aseistance of an advisory nature with respect to the implemencation of

thie Agreement, including che invescaent of the Fund in instru-

mence of the Government of the United States and tne eatablishmenc and operation of the Claims Tribunal.
Such advisory assietance shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of

2 eee oe a ee m.



Select target paragraph3