damage and lisbility associated with such vessels,

the Government of rhe Marshall Ielands or the people of Bikini

take or cause to be Caken concerning such vessels or cable.
Government of the Marshall Islands shall transfer, in eccordance
with ics constitutional processes, title to such vessels and

cable co che people of Bikini.




Section 3 - Enewatak Cable

Purevant to Section 234 bf tha Compact, any right, title and
interest the Government of che United States may have to cable

situcated in the Enewetak lagoon as of che effective date of chia

Agteement shall vest in che Government of the Marshall Islands
* without reilabursement or transfer of funds. By acceptance of

auch right, title and interest, the Government of che Marshall ~


Telands shall hold harmless the Government of the United States.

from loas, damage and liability associated with such cable and
shall cransfer, in accordance with its constitutional process,
title co such cable te the people of Enewerak.

Article VII
Utilization of Lands

The Governmenc of che United States is relieved of and has
no responeibiliry for, and che Government of the Marshall

Talands, consistent with its constitutional processes, shall have

and exercise responsibility for, controlling the utilisation of
areas in the Marshall Islands affected by the Nuclear Testi
Assistance to the Government of the Marshall Islands
from the Government of the United States in respect to the


exercise of such teasponsibilicy by the Government of the Marshall
Islands ia sec forth in full in this Agreemenc.



Article VIII



The Government of che United States has concluded that:
(a) The Norchern Marshall Islands Radiological Survey and
related environmental studies conductgd by the Government of the
United States tepresent the best effore of that Government
accurately cto evaluate and describe rediological conditions in
the Marshall Islands; and
* (b)
The Norchern Marshall Islands Radiological survey and
Felaced environmental studies have been made available to the
Government of che Marshall Islands and can be used for the
evaluacion of the food chain and environment and estimating
radiution-related health consequences of residing in the Northern
‘ Marghal’, Islands after 1976.
Article IX
Changed Circumscancas

if loas or dasaage to pyyperty and person of the citizens cf

Te ee a eee,

the Marshall Islands, resulting fr. the Nuclear Testing Frograc,


Che MAT SNL’ awe wives eres e Cormeen Se

urines or is discovered after the effective date of thin Agrosment, and ruch fajuries were not and_couldnot reasonably have
been identified as of the effective date of this Agreement, and

if such injuries render the provisions of thie Agreement manifestly inadequate, the Government of the Marshall Islands may TeGuesc

thac the Government of the United Scates provide for suc

injuries by submitting such a request co the Congress ui che
United States for its consideration.
it is understood cthuc this
Article does not commit the Congress of the United States to
authorize and appropriate funds.

Room 214, RREBuilding

Phone 3366 -

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(b) The Government of the Marshall Islands may, from cine
to time, request from che Government of che United States asais-

tance of an advisory nature with respect to the implementation of
thie Agreenent, including the invescment of the Fund in inatru-

Bente of the Government of che United States and tne eatablishment and operation of che Claims Tribunal.

Such advisory assis-

tance shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of
Section 226 of the Compact.
Section & - Asendment

This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual consent
of the Government of che United States and the Government of the
Marahall Islands.




This Agreement shell remain in full force and effecet until

terminated or otherwise amended by mutual consent. —
Section 6 = Definitions

(a} The Definicion of Terms sec forth in Article V1 of
Ticle Four of the Compact is incorporated in this Agreement.


The term “citizens ano nationals" of the Marshall

Telands or the United States, as the case may be, includes:




a natural pereon who is a citizen of the Marehall
Islands or the United States, and


a corporation or other legal entity which is
organized under the laws of the Marshall Islands
or the United States or any of its states or

territories, the Districc of Columbia or che

Commonwealth of Puerro Rico.

Agreement Becween

the Government of the United States and
the Governmenc of the Marshall Ielands for
- the Implementation of Section 17) of the

Compect of Free Association

Appandix A

To benefit and assist the people of che Marshall Iglands

‘ with respect to consequences of cha Nuclear Testing Program,

Govarnmenc of che United Scates has

to che following statutes:


provided assiet

stance pursuant

U.S. Public Law






Continuedpage 9

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Norchern Harshall Islonds Radiological Survey




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from loss,

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thac may resulc from salvage operations or other activity that


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