MARSHALL ISLANDS JOURNAL. Volume 14, Number 56 From page 5 - ’ Article IV Claims Adjudication Process In furtherance of che desire of the Government of the Marshall Islands cto provide an additional long-term means for compensating claims resulting from the Nuclear Testing Program: Section 1 - Establishment and Operation of the Claims Tribunal (a) n urisdicction, the Claims Tribungl shall be independent of the legis ative and executive powers of . _ the Government of the Marshall Islands. shall include a List of the names of all individuals receiving payments and che amounts received, and sCate che amounts disbutsed for every other purpose. . ft Friday, July 15, 1983 In the exercise of its The Governwenc of the Marshall Islands, prior co the firec anniversary of the effective date of chis Agreement, shall escablish s Claims Tribunal, in accordance with its cansticu“gional processes and this Agreement. The Claims Tribunal shall have jurisdiction to render final determination upon all claims | past, present and future, of che Government, citizens and ‘nationals of the Marehall Islands which are based on, arise ouc of, or are in any way relaced to the Nuclear Testing Program, and , disputes arising from distribuciona under Articles II and IL! of - | this Agreemanc. This section confers in the Claims Tribunal no ‘ jurisdiction over the United Steces, its agents, employeas, , Contractors, citizens or nacionals with respecc to claims of the Govetnment, citizens or mationals of the Marshall Islands arising our of che Nuclear Teating Prograa. dc) The Claims Tribunal shall have power to issue writs und other processes, make rules and orders and promulgate other procedural cegulacions, not inconsistent with the laws of che Marshall Islands and chis Agreement, as may be required. Such power shall include che authority co make orders or the attendance of witnesses with or without documents, and to make orders “VBS to start at for the disposal of exhibits. SDA Monday | (d) Members of che Claims Tribunal shall be persons qualified by education, experience and character to dischurge judi- , cial office, shall hold office during cod behavior for a set term ot ac least three years, and shal be appojnred pursuant cor procedures adopted by the Government of che Marshall Islands in accordance wit its constitutional processes. (e) A member of che Claims Tribunal may be removed from office ony pursuant to procedures adopted by the Government of the Marsha l Islands in accordance with its constitutLlonal processes and only on che ground of clear Failure or inability Faithfully co discharge the duties of such office or for the commission of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or abuses inconsistent with the authority of his office, Next week, boys andgirls here on Majuro will be - able to look forward toa (£) Ho member of che Claims Tribunal shall ‘take parc in the decision of a claim as co which he has a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflicc of interest. (g) new, Section 2 - Awards and Costs of the Claims Adjudication Process In making any award, the Claims Tribunal shall cake into Continued page 8 SPENTEPRTNET TT Eee in «gq etapeaeon ieoe ga eeRS Be inate peeer 17 am P+h Pi aM dead fk l ayy ds Reiss, * ' x og 4 ctanene Hehhore. CEA beste art i fs ; “1 aes Betty (rete es ie i Fs Beha 4Ary . a Ast ch Ptytes iat Bgl©ret, yt ee * leeRN ? 2 whe +f 7" wateJ < oF a + + $ oe“ie a ¥:rs-,ne oe rs ee OMe, 7s, different school at SDA. The compensation of a Claims Tribunal member shall.not be changed during his term of office. oo wee ye in a ey A aR ' pe : rf tis» Ace pee © yids 177 continued (b) a fen Mahe sr. et te ‘Page6 type of It is a school that will not have a lot of boring subjects and homework. Instead, it . will fave plenty of fun things, such as singing, stories, arts and crafts, recess, refreshments, and most importantly, it will give boys and girls a chance to fearn more about their 3ible and more about Jesus. What type of school is this? We call it Vacation _ Bible School (VBS). VBS - is free to all boys andgirls ages 4 to 13, here on Majuro. VBS will start on Moday, July 18, and will ine0.48 Et " ee + + wy Teht SARs eae LBS I Bs ae - ms giao eo be held every morning next week, from 9:00 a.m. through 12:00 noon at the Seventh-day Adventist auditorium. . Kathieen Wilson, the . VBS Director, says that ‘all boys and girls, regardless of what ���school or church they go to, are invited to come.” She also _invites parents to. come to, for they will enjoy it also. So hove and girls. if