Divisions of the Cormugsion staff listed below are responsible for the
sabhoring and sreparabion of inforzation and provision of techni cal agsistunce
in the Sollowine catocories:

Blast effects on structures and utilities

Division of “nrincering
Division of Blolory *: Mfodicine

@wilding and shelters

Same as (1)


Blast offects on persomel

Division of Biology * ‘tedicine




Yonising radiation injuries


Radioactive decontamination

Division of Biology & Medloine

Yedical care ®or casualties and refucees

Division of Biology 4% Htedicine












Division of Enginserins

Racdiolorical safety detsetion and noasure-

Division of Production


Division of Biolocy * iWedisine

“dueational and information prosrans

Division of Publis anl Technical
Infornation Service

Division of Blology * Medicine

SCrnission Activities Telpful in Civil Defense.
In the course of its plannin: and operations, both in the production and
the rosearch Slolds, the Corsiission has developed aany pro jects and activitios
thas ean iva ald

in cemeral civil defense.

It has been necessary, of course,

to formulate provrans o: relief as protection acainst possible atomis weapons

attack on Commission tmstallations,

This has been done, and the general outline

of tho plans, which are classilivd, can be nade available for aid in civil defonas

Radiation detection instrument stocks have been accumulated and crews

trained te use thei at the major installationa.
has ¢

‘This also is a resource for civil

in ceneral activities of this sort bearing on civil defense the Josmission

Select target paragraph3