


Roviowdd sho hazards that might exist in ite own instal letions
in event of an atomic disaster or attack and considered the best

(ways of neeting thon.
“anford, ai

Special studies have been made of Oak Ridze,

tho Yashin;ton office, as presenting problens of fairly

syploal naturde


$tudied and determined upon and is assembling sample quantities of typos



Initiated orranization of groups of energenay monitoring personnel in
Atonio Mmermgy Commission major installations, prepared to make radiation

hegard surveys on any aroa attadked.



eth ee Be le

radiat‘on deteotion instruments for use in event of an emergency.


Collected {and is eomtinuing to oollect) all available data on the effects
of atoule axplosions on man, aninals, plants, and physical structuroes,.
Ynowledce stained fron Septenber 1945 up to now from Hiroshina and Nasesaci
ds of prcat value, as are the Mkini and Eniwetok date,[tho forthooning
Bnivetok tests are being, >lamed to 7111 in caps in that knowledre and to
orient it in tormms of modern types of bombs.

Carried on (and is continuously aaphasising) research in the effect of
radiation on living natter and its eonstituenta.

This is belnc done both

Atomio mnercy Commission, university, hospital, and othor research

This work is essential to any attempta toward protection

or troatment.


Cooperated with the TIT in providing deta for and reviewing the Tlopley

Repors on Tivil YeLenss Planning.

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Select target paragraph3