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‘tuch of the nacorial in the draft chapters as they now stard is technisal
and ig useful in the »ain to tecimicians.

I must be interpreted and applisd

to be of diroct ‘mlue to nonevrofessional people.

A considerable acomt af the

mocerial is usotul to noneprofessionnl seople engared in civil defense planniny
ani operations.

All is availoble in its >rasent prellainary form under appro-

oriate classification.
In cho process of vroparation at vrosent are four unclassified papers and
manuals that will civo ald to apecifia ~roupe in specifica lines of subject ~atter
related to civil defense,

Those includer

A paver for doctors on the treatment of persons exposed to radiations

Ze A paper for the engincering srofesaion and construotion industry,

“atonic Jorbs vs Buildinss."

A namunl Zor omernsion and -wintonance of monitoring instruscnta with
standards 92 solernnces


<A paper cn decn.toiination.

Respousivilities 22 Commission

Staff for Civil

Defense Aid
Tre Division of Biolo-cy and Vedisine has responsibility for the coordination
or. activities of She Sorission and aontravtors which have a boaring on civil
defense, and for liaison betvoeen the Jormmission and the Goverument plamniing and

operatines acencies in the Meld == 1503, GSA, etase

The Division has desimmated

one officer as full; rosporat ble for mordination and liaison.

This is as re«

eomended xr She Comissionts Advisory lJoaittee on Blolorsy and Medicine whioh
has unintained a close iitterest in the rolatton of the Commissionts pro-ran to

eivil defense and noriodically ~wiios recovrendations for stronsthenine of Lincs
af* acbivisy which will bo of service in tivil defenso.’



Select target paragraph3