

meigral | aan 5
Transportation of Cl jattiehlrhsermbts bd Between ZI and forward Area
As outlined in JTF Security Letter No. 5, dated 30 august 1951, only

Top Secret (non-Restricted Data and Restricted Data) requires
couriering between the ZI and forward area.

Such couriering is limited

to the following:


Officer couriers of JTF 132 (including AC)


Army-Air Force security couriers


Navy officer messenger mail

Lesser categories of classified matter may be hand carried by individual

participants holding clearances commensurate witn the category classification of the material involved, or may be mailed tnrough APO channels,

provided that all Restricted Data mail and that mail classified Secret,

non-Restricted Lataust be sent via registered mail. All Program
and Project Directors, task unit commanders, and heads 0. stafi sections

are required to submit for Asst. C/S, J*2, an inventory in duplicate of

all documents classified "Secret" or higher, and of any ConfidentialRestricted Data documents sent or carried to the forward area.

Suitable repositories are available through the JTF 132 Liaison
Representative elements at Travis Air Force Base, and at Hickam Air
Force Base to assist persons hand carrying such items. Procedures
have been established to provide Top Secret teletype service between the
ZI and Eniwetok Atoll.

Access to TG 132.1 classified areas will be regulated by military guards
of the various services (Army MP's at Eniwetok Atoll; Marine guards

aboard ships; and Air Police at Kwajalein). Personnel will be admitted
to those areas on the basis of controls exercised by the Assistant Chief
of Staff, J-2, TG 132.1, through the badge system and by request to the
Cormanding Officers of the various military guard organizations
(through collateral liaison with the respective J-2 Sections.)

Personnel of TG 132.1 are required to present the proper identification
to the military guard personnel at tne established control points in

such a manner as to enable the guard to carry out his instructions for
the particular guard post.

By agreement with HQ, JTF 132, and with the Provost Marshal, TG 132.2,
the Holmes & Narver guard force will provide a policing body to maintain
camp discipline and order among the TG 132.1 civilian personnel
(including Holmes & Narver personnel) and to provide a reposit®ry patrol

for Holmes & Narver offices not covered by the military guard operation.

Select target paragraph3