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Travel Controls at Eniwetok Atoll

The identification badge system limits inter-island travel, particular’y
between Eniwetok and Parry Islands, and between Parry and other
operational islands. During operational periods rigid air and water
travel controls will be in effect, operative through the Assistant
Chief of Staff, J-3, for TG 132.1 personnel.

Communications security

The land telephone lines at Eniwetok Atoll may be used for the voice

transmission of information classified through Secret, Security

Information. No "Restricted Data" will be so transmitted. All radio
circuits will be restricted to unclassified information. Fer this

purpose "AMTRAC" connections on telephone circuits are considered as
regular radio circuits.

There is no JTF 132 requirement for a minimum classification of TWX


All electrically transcribed messages are to be clas-

sified in accordance with the context of the message.

Photographic Security
Personal cameras are prohibited at Enijetok Atoll and in the Task force
Areas at Kwajalein Atoll.
Official photographers of all Task Groups will be identified by
distinctive marking on identification badges.
Equipment utilized by official photographers will be presumed to be
official photographic equipment.
All photographic film exposed at the forward area will be handled as
Secret, Restricted Data, until classified by the JTF 132 Classification
Control of Reports Containing AEC Weapon Data
As outlined in JIF 132 Security Letter No. 2, dated 27 August 1951,

“weapon data” obtained by personnel of JTF 132 as a result of

privileged relationship with the AEC will receive the ahsoiute minimum


The term “weapon data" means any information om the design, develovecs, .
manufacture, storage, utilization, characteristics, sarformance, OF

effects of atomie weapons or components thereof, incladins ¢hermono»clear





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