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Information as to next of kin (mame, relationship, and address) of all

JTF 132 personnel is forwarded to the State Department as part ol an

agreement whereby JIF personnel are permitted to proceed beyond Hawaii
using AGO or ID cards in lieu of U.S. passports.
Storage of Classified Documents and Material

Three-way combination safe files and safes will be supplied at the forward

area to safeguard documents and materials classified "Confidential" or

Knowledge of safe file combinations should be restricted to a

practical minimun.

The date of the last combination change and name and barracks address of

the custodian and alternate must be posted on tne exterior of sate files

used for the storage of classified documents and materials.

Both military and civilian guard forces will perform security checks

of repositories and oftice areas during tae noon hour and normal non-

working periods.

Destruction of Classified Waste and Other Classified Documents and

At the forward area waste and papers for destruction, classified Confidential or higher, will be hand carried to, or placed in a sealed

envelope and forwarded through the classiiied mail messenger service to

the J-2, TG 132.1, office on Parry island for destruction. Certificates
of destruction will be prepared by the J-2 office as required. The use
of "burn" or other classified waste receptacles for aiter hours pickup

is not considered desirable at the torward area.

Plans have been formulated to provide for the emergency destruction of

Classified documents and materials for use in tne event iniwetok Atoll
is in imminent danger due to enemy action (as required by JIF Security

Letter No. 9, dated 29 January 1952).

material will be:

The priority for destruction of


Top Secret and all Restricted Data








Unclassified material of benefit to the enemy

Special incinerators have been installed to handle flammable items; other
provisions nave been made to destroy non-flammable items. No emergency
destruction of TG 132.1 classified items is to be accomplished except
upon instructions from the Commander, TG 132.1,
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