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TG 132.1 Administrative Plan




Security - Annex B

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All badges for JIF 132 will be provided by TG 132.1. Badges are prepared,
upon the receipt by the TG 132.1 J-2 Section of properly executed Badge
Request Forms, preferably accompanied by at least two (2) photographs and
negative of the individual, to incorporate the following requirements:

Photo size to be 14" wide by 1-3/4" high; head and shoulders of subject

only, front view, including name at bottom as part of photograph; serial
number, if military; if civilian, organization, such as CIV-LASL, or
AEC, H&N, NRL, NBS, etc.
When requesting access to the restricted and exclusion areas at Eniwetok

Atoll, every effort should be exercised to refrain from requesting
access to areas other than those required for the individual's official
job in connection with his assignment to TG 132.1.

Badges must be surrendered before return to the ZI (Hickam Air Force Base

is considered as ZI for this purpose).


Individual responsibility
The responsibility of individual personnel of JTF 132 to safeguard
classified information is outlined in JTF 132 Security Letters No. 3,
dated 28 August 1951, and 34, dated 9 May 1952.
Basically, it is the responsibility of each individual participant
to assure himself of the identity and clearance status of persons with
whom he discusses, or to whom he reveals, classified information.
The identification badge system provides the necessary clearance
information and identifies the wearer.
Although by recent agreement between the AEC and DOD AEC employees may

disseminate "Restricted Data" to non-Q-cleared military personnel

under certain conditions, it should be emphasized that employees of

AEC contractors cannot do so by interpretation of Section 10 of the

Atomic Energy Act of 1946 by the attorney General of the United States.

Further, it is the responsibility of each individual participant to
follow the prescribed procedures in utilizing safe files and other
repositories provided for the protection of classified information at
the forward area.
There will be no formal mail censorship at the forward area. The
following information should not be included in personal or. unclassified
official letters written by TG 132.1 personnel:

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