TG 132.1 Administrative Plan

Security - Annex B

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the security interest becomes such as to consider it as
an exclusion area, in which event it will be guarded and
access thereto rigidly controlled.

All personnel of JIF 132 requiring access to Parry Island or TG 132.1
operational areas at Eniwetok Atoll (ashore or afloat), and to TG 132.4

operational areas at Kwajalein Atoll will be provided with a photographictype laminated badge, to be affixed to clothing with a spring clip,
and to be worn at all times while in areas requiring the use of a badge.
No badge is required for access to Eniwetok island.
The JT¥ 132 badges
are color coded as follows:

Top = denotes area access


Black - all operational areas at Kwajalein Atoll and Eniwetok
Atoll, ashore and afloat, except exclusion areas, but including
the administration compound.


Red - All operational areas at Kwajalein Atoll and Eniwetok
Atoll ashore and afloat, except exclusion areas and the
administration compound.


Green - Parry Island and administration compound, all operational

areas except exclusion areas at Kwajalein, ashore and afloat.

Yellow - Parry Island except administration compound; all

operational areas except exclusion areas at Kwajalein, ashore

and afloat.


White ~ all operational areas except exclusion areas at Kwajalein,
ashore and afloat.

Bottom - denotes clearance status





Orange - "TS"


White - "Secret" (NAC)



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