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Number of troop and overall population of the atoll.

Information indicating strength, exact mission or composition of

Task Group as to units, or the detailed composition of JTF 132.


Estimated time of completion of any construction.


Weekly percentage of accomplishment.


Location and/or description of all types of construction.


Designation of sites by letter association or by name of island.


Estimated time of any operations.


Location and types of security sreas.


Schedule of planes and surface vessels.

(10) Nature of supply items and quantities used for construction.
(11) Weapons, kind, and status of equipment available to troops.

(12) Defense plans including alert units, location, strength, weapons,
and ammunitirn available.

(13) Description of air fields including location, length, and compositions.

(14) Types and numbers of aircraft in the area.
(15) Surface vessels including numbers, kinds, and locations.
(16) Physical descriptions of any of the islands of the atoll.
Further requirements, such as the necessity for reporting lost badges,

returning found badges, reporting suspicious incidents such as ships at sea,
etc., to the nearest MP or other military guard, will be covered by the
TG 132.1 security briefing upon arrival at the forward area.

Personnel of TG 132.1 are cautioned against discussing classified matters,

particularly "Restricted Data", in the presence or vicinity of persons
(who may be "Q" cleared) who are not required ’1 the performance of their

work to have access to such information. There has been a tendency in the
past to discuss such matters in the mess halls and barracks, and this must
not be done. As an aid in preventing the disclosure’ of such information

Select target paragraph3