- 24 This Task Group (biological monitoring group) is documenting "the levels of the
radio activity in the native foods of the personnel on Christmas Island and on
other islands in the central Pacific area before, during, and after Operation


This report on progress to date and future plans from Ralph Palumbo

will be copied for our files.

Here is a most important document dated April 62 and entitled "Preliminary
Instrumentation Chart" No. SC-256 and prepared by the support coordination
committee (I believe the Spain committee).

It contains a total listing of the

program projects for Dominic and brief descriptions and locations of all

instrumentation in these various projects and stations.

It is 60 pages long

and contains many details not found elsewhere all integrated in 1 place.


has a blue cover and is contained in this box just following the Dominic folder
thru July 62.

Here is Sept. 1963 H&N status report on the Christmas Island activities
which shows that they were originally given authority for roll-up on 11 July 62
and completed that phase on 17 Aug. 62 after which caretaker status began on
1 Jan. 63.

They were directed to start the final roll-up on 19 Aug. 63 and

planned to complete it by 27 Sept. 63.
and restoration of J.1.
for JTF-8 on 1 Feb. 63.

Note also that they began the rehabilitation

facilities on 26 Nov.

62 and started the caretaker status

The SSD program began on 12 March 63.

Note that apparently the Task Unit 8.5.3 was commanded by Dr. Loren Donaldson

of the University of Washington in Seattle.

On 26 Nov. 62, following a request from Saunders for 8.5.2 inputs to the
8.5 final report on Dominic, Bill Van Doren told Saunders that he had submitted

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